Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Madagascar: Father Pedro and Fiekena Village

We stayed in a village called Fiekena. There were lots of animals like cows, chickens, turtles, dogs, geese, and a cat. We took our shower with buckets And we also flushed the toilet with buckets. the food was about the same as in the cafeteria. Our hosts were named Lalao and CĂ©line. The cooking was done over a real fire. The milk was freshly extracted from the cow. We never knew if we were going to have electricity or not. At night to get the baby chicks in they would put the mother Chicken under a basket and all the chicks would come to her. There was a puppy named Mickey and Hugo loved to play with it, he even taught it to high five him.

Father Pedro is the one in the middle with the beard

Lalao took us to see Father Pedro. Father Pedro is a christian who went on a mission to Madagascar and built lots of houses, schools and a university. Since we were foreigners and part of an organization to help Madagascar he called us out in the crowd and introduced us. The service was really cool because there was music and dancing. We also saw 184 kids get baptized. 


  1. So awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Where do you put the water after your shower? I wish that Father Pedro intorduced me!!!!!:( ;)

  3. Father Pedro sounds like a really kind guy. I bet that puppy was really cute.

  4. sounds wonderful....reminds me of how Jon grew up..especially the showering with buckets part!!! Miss you all.

  5. That's cool, i bet Hugo had a lot of fun with that puppy.
